Paul Collins Achievement Award

Created in 2019, the Paul Collins Achievement Award is named for Paul Collins, the founder of the World Airline Hobby Club (now the World Airline Historical Society). This annual award recognizes an aviation enthusiast who has made exceptional contributions to the WAHS and the realization of our mission.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 convention was postponed and the 2020 award was presented in 2021.
Jon Proctor – 2020 Recipient

The WAHS Board of Directors chose to honor Jon Proctor, noted aviation author and historian, as the inaugural recipient of the Paul Collins Achievement Award. We planned to present the award to Jon at Airliners International 2020 PHX, but Jon sadly died in April 2020, shortly after the WAHS president personally told Jon he would be receiving the award.
Follow this link to learn more about Jon Proctor.
The award was presented to Jon posthumously at the AI 2021 PHX banquet.

William “Bill” Demarest – 2022 Recipient

The WAHS Board of Directors chose to honor William “Bill” Demarest as the 2022 recipient of the Paul Collins Achievement Award. Bill’s contributions to the Society through serving as an officer and Airliners International convention host multiple times, plus his enthusiasm and knowledge are invaluable to our success.
The award was presented to Bill at the AI 2022 Chicago banquet with our deepest appreciation.

Marvin Goldman – 2023 Recipient

The WAHS Board of Directors chose to honor Marvin Goldman as the 2023 recipient of the Paul Collins Achievement Award. Marvin’s lifelong enthusiastic and knowledgeable promotion of the hobby (especially postcards and El Al) and his contributions as an advisor to the Society are invaluable to our success.
The award was presented to Marvin at the AI 2023 DFW banquet with our profound appreciation.

Jim “JET” Thompson was chosen by the WAHS Board of Directors as the 2024 recipient of the Paul Collins Achievement Award. JET has conducted the Airline Trivia contest at the annual Airliners InternationalTM banquet for many years, with questions stumping even the most astute airline history buff. His “fun meter” is always pegged at high! As Lifetime Member #1 and the only member who has attended every AI convention, JET was a natural choice for this year’s award.
The award was presented to JET at the AI 2024 MCI banquet with our deep appreciation for his many contributions and continued enthusiasm for the hobby.

Rev 07/05/2024