Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of six directors who serve a three-year term (from annual meeting to annual meeting).

Any member in good standing for at least one year, current in all financial obligations, and at least 18 years of age is eligible to be a director. Members in good standing as of May 5, 2025, will have voting privileges at the annual membership meeting on Saturday, June 28, 2025.

Members of the World Airline Historical Society receive notice of nominations, ballots, and timely notice of the annual membership meeting, held each year during Airliners International.

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Current Board Members

Phil Brooks, President (2024-2027)
Brownsburg, IN

John Miller, Secretary (2022-2025)
Tampa, FL

Sara Steig Gradwohl (2023-2026)
Mooresville, IN

David C. Powell, Vice President (2024-2025)
Indianapolis, IN

Tom Livesey, Treasurer (2023-2026)
Saline, MI

Leyla Kohley (2024-2027)
Arlington Heights, IL

Key Volunteers

Chris Slimmer, Director-Conventions & Events
Lawrence, KS

Gary Orlando, Managing Editor-Captain’s Log
Sterling, IL

Bill Demarest, Advisor
Windermere, FL

Marvin G. Goldman, Advisor
New York, NY

Connor McCauley, Chair-NextGen Committee
Cushing, OK

Board Member Biographies

Phil Brooks-President/Director ([email protected])

I began collecting airline memorabilia in 1977 after I met another airline enthusiast and learned about the World Airline Hobby Club. I’ve scaled back collecting in recent years, but at the same time, I appreciate the World Airline Historical Society even more for its social aspects. I have attended every Airliners International since 1979, and would never miss it! I co-chaired the 1987 convention in my hometown of Indianapolis. My airline career began when I was a sophomore at Indiana State University. I started working part-time evenings and weekends as a customer service agent for Britt Airways at Hulman Field (HUF). Between taking classes for my degree in Aviation Administration and working for an airline, I was in heaven! I also became a private pilot, and still fly today, more than 40 years later. Other airline jobs followed (American Trans Air, USAirways, CFAirfreight, and Emery Worldwide Airlines), but in 1999 I achieved my career goal when I was hired by United Airlines as a flight dispatcher. I represent both my Union local (Professional Airline Flight Control Association-UAL) and my profession (via the Airline Dispatchers Federation) as their Cockpit Jumpseat Coordinator. In 2000 my then-girlfriend and now-wife Pam attended the convention with me and she hasn’t missed one since! In early 2021, I was asked to take over the duties as president. I was formally elected in July 2021. I am flattered to lead this organization with the help of fantastic board members and volunteers!

John Miller – Secretary/Director ([email protected])

I began my aviation career in 1981 when I was hired as a field operations intern at the Dayton International Airport (DAY). While in college, I began working as a ramp agent for Piedmont Airlines at DFW. Just before the merger with USAir, I transferred to the maintenance department in Winston-Salem, NC (INT). Throughout my 40+ year airline career, I’ve worked in Greensboro (GSO), Charlotte (CLT), Orlando (MCO) and Tampa (TPA).  I worked briefly for Southeast Airlines in Clearwater, FL (PIE).  I also manage my own photography business – Photo Enrichments.  I have been collecting airline memorabilia since I was about five years old when my Dad took me to the airport and his friend took me on board a TWA 707 and gave me a pair of kiddie wings. The aviation bug bit me and I have been collecting since.  I joined the World Airline Historical Society in the early 90s when a co-worker invited me to attend the local ATL show. I was elected to the WAHS board in 2015 and have served the membership since.   

Tom Livesey – Treasurer/Director ([email protected])

I was born and raised in San Jose, California. I grew up with a family business that overlooked the San Jose Municipal Airport (KSJC). As a result, I spent many hours watching airplanes in my youth which piqued a lifelong interest in commercial aviation. At age 14 I decided to become an airline pilot. I soloed at 17 and am currently a Boeing 757/767 Captain for a large overnight express company based in Louisville, Kentucky. I attended my first Airliners InternationalTM convention in 1980 at Detroit and I co-hosted the San Jose convention in 1985. I have been collecting airline memorabilia for the past 50

Sara Steig Gradwohl – Director-at-Large, Webmaster ([email protected])

My first piece of airline memorabilia was a pair of Western Airlines junior wings my great aunt and uncle brought me after they flew Western to Hawaii in 1976. I still have those wings and their trip opened my eyes to the world! My husband Dan both collect nearly everything including junior wings and pins, models, glassware, first flight covers, postcards, stickers, annual reports, and timetables. I joined the airline industry as a communications intern at Northwest Airlines in 1994, which led to a full-time position handling media relations, employee communications, international communications, and special events. I’m most proud of my role in the 50th Anniversary of Service to Asia campaign in 1997, which won a coveted PRSA Silver Anvil Award. I also coordinated the delivery events of two new Boeing 747-400s and led several press trips. look forward to Airliners each year and am a past winner of both of the banquet’s “Airline Trivia” and “Name the Plane” contests. I continue to foster the airline hobby in young people, by encouraging their attendance at Airliners and local shows, meeting at the airport to watch airplanes, giving them free memorabilia (I hope their future spouses don’t hate me for this), and mentoring them in their pursuit of an airline career. We are regular donors to the Northwest Airlines History Center and Delta Flight Museum, and we have an extensive network of friends and colleagues across the globe. I joined the Society’s board as the webmaster in 2021 and served as Treasurer/Director 2021-2024 and director-at-large since 2024. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve our membership and encourage all to find their “inner airline geek.”

David C. Powell – Director-at-Large ([email protected])

My first show was the big convention in Indianapolis in 1987. What a game changer! I’ve attended numerous day shows and conventions over many years. I was motivated to speak at the AI-2023 banquet about the friendships and travel opportunities I so deeply appreciate that originated at these shows. I am collecting similar stories now to be shared with WAHS members. I feel passionate about the continuation of this organization. I’ve volunteered for years checking badges and offering to help. I was seminar coordinator at AI-2023-DFW, and my duties included introducing our speakers. It felt good to do this. I’m glad the board agrees about the importance of further developing social media and believing the next generation of young folks are vital to our continuance. My career has been exclusively on the railroad, (yes, I like trains too!) and I now have 50 years of experience. I had jobs ranging from Conrail transportation officer, supervising railroad employees, to software trainer, property manager, and now powering down a company I created in 2009, Powell Rail Expediting, LLC. It’s been a great run, and I now have the time to devote to endeavors like this. I’m a passionate traveler, having visited all 50 states and 83 countries. I’ve flown around the world four times and I’m still ready for more! I am a volunteer at Big Brothers/Big Sisters and feel I can relate to folks of all ages and backgrounds. I have little ego with a calm, steady personality; easy to get along with and am a good listener, while focused clearly on goals and what benefits all in the best way. There is a lot more this organization can be doing and I’m excited to participate and promote it. It’s really great to see so many younger folks excited about aviation! I support you!

Leyla Kohley – Director-at-Large ([email protected])

My professional experience in our industry began when I was selected as a photographer for Chicago O’Hare Airport, to take photos and videos for the social media platforms for use by the official ORD accounts. I joined Air Wisconsin Airlines and was the sole flight attendant on CRJ-200s for United Express. One year later I became a flight attendant for SkyWest Airlines on the ERJ-175, and CRJ-200/700/900. While initially based in Los Angeles, I was also based in Portland, Seattle, and Dallas and flew to more than 150 airports in North America. After four years flying it was time to settle down. I am now a Crew Scheduler for United Airlines at their world headquarters in Chicago, where I create and assign flight attendant schedules and ensure FAA regulations are followed. I am involved with activities and help coordinate events at my local general aviation airports. I took private pilot ground school – twice! – and then came back to help teach new-hire classes. I briefly flew Cessna 150s and 172s locally. I ultimately decided that being a professional pilot wasn’t for me, but I continue to fly occasionally and volunteer at my local airport’s flight school. My involvement in WAHS began when I was 16 and attended my first one-day show in Chicago. I was hooked! I had a vendor table at the ORD show for years, attended Airliners International each year, and became a vendor there as well. For AI 2024 MCI, I have took the lead in coordinating the seminars. I was your go-to person for all things seminar-related and I hope you enjoyed them! I am currently helping with social media for both AI and WAHS. I truly enjoy promoting the convention and building excitment and sharing WAHS-related events throughout the year. I currently serve as a member of the NextGen Committee – a group dedicated to attracting more young people to WAHS and Airliners International. I am constantly thinking of ways to attract the next generation of Aviation enthusiasts to our organization – I will do all I can to grow our organization and get more young people involved. I am extremely passionate about AI and WAHS, as I have met some of my best friends and had some of the most unique experiences of my life while attending these shows. It’s time I give back to the organization that has given me so much. I am incredibly honored to have the opportunity to serve on the WAHS board. I bring a wealth of industry knowledge, excellent communication and leadership skills, and I am dedicated to preserving the WAHS culture for years to come.

You can contact each board member via email by clicking on the email links above.

Follow this link to view the WAHS Bylaws.

Rev 03/03/2025

48th Annual Airliners International™
Atlanta, GA
June 25-28, 2025

See you at the
World's Largest Airline Collectibles Show & Convention
at ATL in 2025!

World Airline Historical Society, Inc.
PO Box 13693, Tampa, FL 33616 USA
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